Huile de clou de girofle (30 ml). Le clou de girofle, c'est le bouton de fleur séché d'un arbre originaire d'Indonésie.
Il renferme beaucoup d'huile essentielle utile pour lutter contre beaucoup d'infections : urinaires, digestives, cutanées. Il contient un puissant antiseptique mais peut aussi servir à calmer les douleurs dentaires. Toujours penser à garder des clous de girofle quand on a les dents fragiles.
- Dental Care: The most prominent use of clove oil is in dental care. The germicidal properties of the oil make it very effective for relieving dental pain, tooth ache, sore gums and mouth ulcers. The characteristic smell of clove oil helps removing bad breath.
- Skin Care: Clove oil is often recommended for skin care, especially to acne patients.
- Stress: Clove oil is serves as an excellent stress reliever. It has a stimulating effect on the mind and removes mental exhaustion and fatigue. When taken internally, in appropriate amounts, it refreshes the mind. Clove oil also induces sleep and is helpful to insomnia patients.
- Headache: Clove oil when mixed with salt, and applied on the forehead, gives a cooling effect and helps in getting relief from headache.
- Earache: Known as a good remedy for earaches.
- Indigestion: Clove oil is effective in stomach related problems such as hiccups, indigestion, motion sickness, and flatulence. Hence, clove one of the important spices added in Indian dishes.